Report the disappearance of one of the founders of Wikileaks
  • The Norwegian police have opened an investigation following the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, who has been arrested in Denmark. Wikileaks is one of the creators of the Wikileaks portal, known in recent years for bringing to the network documents that concealed the economic and political powers of the whole world.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko irailaren 05
Kamphuisen desagerpenaren berri ematen duen afixa.

Cybersecurity expert, Kamphuis is co-founder of Wikileaks and co-author of a manual to protect the security of journalists’ information.

As Wikileaks reported via Twitter, it was last seen on 20 August in the city of Bodo, in northern Norway, to take the train to Trondheim.




According to the information provided by Euronews, the police are unaware of his whereabouts and have refused to speculate on what has happened to him in the media. Since the announcement of the disappearance, however, numerous hypotheses have been disseminated on social media about what has happened to Kamphuis in the 700 kilometres between Bodo and Trondheim.