Basque Wikilaris in her attempt to correct the gender gap
  • The first one focused on the achievements of Wikipedia in Euskera in 2023, and now we will mention the progress that has been made in the composition of female biographies to try to resolve the evident gender imbalance.
Sustatu 2024ko urtarrilaren 17a

Many Wikilaris work around female biographies on Wikipedia in Euskera, including WikiEmakumeak, recently the protagonist of a documentary. In the last three years, the number of biographies of women has doubled (an increase of 110 per cent). Euskera is the highest percentage of women on Wikipedias with more than 50,000 biographies and the 25th absolute number.

In a way, the Wikilariok group in Durango, led by Marisa Barrena, has made a special effort: in recent years they have generated 5,0000 biographies to which they arrived just before the end of 2023.

In the last three years, biographies of women have increased from 18.98% to 27.45% on Wikipedia. We started the year with 17,175 women, four years ago we started with 7,123. Possibility to get 20,000 biographies in 2024? with the rhythm we can reach exactly ... For this, it can serve as an incentive to the Catalan Wikipedia, which is also very strong in this field. The 20,000 biographies barrier ended in 2017 and 2023 ended 39,000.

Sources of the following data: