Wikiflex: Wikipedia filmoteca in streaming mode
  • Wikiflex is a kind of Netflix from Wikipedia. In the multimedia section of the global free encyclopedia, in Wikimedia Commons, you can find various audiovisual materials, including many movies that have become royalty-free. Wikiflex is conceived by a programmer, the German Magnus Manke, as a simple interface for monitoring.
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Most films are old and can be easily found by the search or the organization it involves. New editions, rank or more favorable, female directors also appear as category… some of these options on the Wikiflex home page.

To test, we have chosen one of the rank or well-rated: The Birth of a Nation. D.W. Film by pioneer Griffith of 1915. Note, if you have a good ranking will be important in the development of film language, because the film is more racist and supremacy, an irreverent apology of Ku Klux Klan. Finally, we have opened the page and some options:

Of the three play buttons, the first opens the interpreter or Wikimedia Commons file, where you can watch the movie live. There are two other games, one from The Internet Archive and another from Youtube, where you can also see.

To see it correctly on your computer, but if your browser (e.g. Chrome) connects directly with your home TV or with the Chromecast device you can also see on the home TV, as shown in this photo.

There's Wikiflex. Visit, see and learn.