According to the web, the Overton window is "a political theory that expresses an idea that people can accept as a narrow window, stating that the political viability of an idea is defined primarily by this fact, rather than the individual priorities of politicians."
"The Overton window can be changed and expanded, both by increasing the number of ideas politicians can support, and by reducing, without unjustly risking electoral protection. However, in most cases, the window moves based on a much more complex and dynamic phenomenon: the slow evolution of social values and norms", which would be the paradigm of abortion and the legalization of egalitarian marriage.
Vox would be the result of an experiment that emerged from FAES Foundation laboratories, led by Aznar. However, in the laboratory tests it would undergo a mutation that would make it a pathogen capable of destroying the formal democracy sui generis española. In fact, he owned DNA with a triple enzyme tardofrancoist (maintenance of the indivisible unity of Spain, strict control of immigration and return to unique heteropatriarchal thinking) and, to achieve it, would begin the process of expanding the Overton window framework.
In Overton's window, ideas go from unthinkable to radical, and from there to acceptable, then sensible and popular.
So in Overton's window, ideas go from being unthinkable to being radical, and from there to being acceptable, then sensible and popular, until they are articulated in materials that are finally able to shape politics, because sometimes politicians themselves can move Overton's window, passionately protecting an issue that's outside the window.
Thus, Vox’s idea gathered initially unacceptable ideas, such as the repeal of the law of gender violence, but, after a coalition with the PP, he would be able to inoculate his virus, achieving the Equality portfolio, eliminating the concept of Machista Violence and implanting the parental pin.
However, Joseph Lehman, current president of the Mackinac Center, warns that "the Overton window does not offer seamless magic formulas, and if the politician is located far from the acceptable space and does not manage to move the window to his center of interest, the frame can be broken."
Thus, if a certain number of people (Critical Masses) gain greater awareness and are able to make an evolutionary leap and change the social mindset, it is possible to break the extreme dilation of the Overton window, implemented by fake autocrats like Trump and Abascal. Consequently, the framework of the window agreed by the majority of citizens will be re-established, condemning these candidates to be autocratic to political ostracism after they have been defeated at the ballot box.
Germán Gorraiz, Analyst