Two journalists from 'La Directa' are sentenced to follow an occupation
  • Two journalists from Direct and a militant from the Valencia Housing Union (SHV) have been sanctioned by the Valencia Municipal Guard with a fine of 200 euros "for driving along the road with danger to pedestrians or hindering circulation". The journalists were identified with the professional card and submitted allegations to the City Council of Valencia.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko maiatzaren 11

On March 11, the Valencian Housing Union called the citizens and the media to inform them of the recovery of a abandoned building on Marià Cuber 40 street. On that day, the Valencia Municipal Police identified six people (four entrepreneurs and two Direct journalists) and made proposals to impose an administrative sanction, according to Direct.

Both journalists were identified with their professional card and explained that they were taking photographs and collecting information. However, the Municipal Guard collected their data. Without prior notice, he informed them that they would be fined for "hindering circulation." A month and a half later, two journalists and an activist from the Valencia Housing Union received a fine of 200 euros.

Complaint of the journalists' association

Unites de Periodistes Valencians has assured Direct that they contacted the City Hall to request the withdrawal of the association's president multas.El, Vicent Marco, pointed out that the fine "had never to be presented and less to progress". He adds that "it seems an action to avoid information and generate fear".