Valentina Morisoli, from Madrid prison: "Our struggle doesn't stop"
  • The militant of the Pro Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement, Valentina Morisoli, has sent an audio from prison. He was arrested by the Ertzaintza on 16 November with Gaizka Aztorkizaga on the orders of the High Court of Justice.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abenduaren 14a

In an audio sent to ARGIA and other media, Valentina Morisoli indicates that she is "right" and calls to continue "fighting".

Morisoli was arrested by the Ertzaintza on 16 November in Bizkaia together with Gaizka Aztorkizaga, presumed a member of eta. Both are members of the Pro-Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement. Two days later, the judge ordered his admission to prison on charges of "alteination of terrorism", of causing damage and of "collaborating with an armed organization". Morisoli was first incarcerated in Zaballa, then transferred to the Madrid prison in Soto del Real and finally transferred to the Madrid prison in Alcalá Meco, where he was imprisoned by court order.


Its audio transcript is as follows:

“Thank you all very much.

I'm here, isolated, but I get some news from Euskal Herria and other parts of the world. Our struggle does not stop everywhere. They want us to stop and to step, but before that we get stronger. The desire to change this system and the independence of Euskal Herria become necessary, as it is today.

I'm fine, very strong, and I feel very dear. The protection of street fighting gives strength.

But we must not forget the political prisoners in the Spanish and French States, imprisoned like you and like me, and those who are abroad.

A strong hug, dolls and keep fighting.

Valentina, in Madrid I prison.”