Uztartu: euskal uzta batua
Xabier Arana Eiguren 2024ko apirilaren 24a

Bagare, bagera, bagire, we are plural, prosperous and empowered, united by the Basque instinct, initiative and flame, truly to merge Euskal Herria.

We have recently learned that the Basque observatory in Gaindegia has resumed its activity. To the research pillars Territory, Society and Economy of the previous stage is added the environment. We must welcome this beautiful viewpoint of the Basque Country.

To this excellent sample, eleven more examples can be added in the Basque territories, as a sign of the historical and daily activity of Eusko Ikaskuntza, Euskaltzaindia, Ikastolen Elkartea, Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Bertsozale Elkartea and recently the Feminist Atalaya created by the Feminist Movement. Special mention deserves the Durango Basque Book and Disco Fair.

When talking about territories, we could talk about spaces or landscapes or communities, which go beyond the geographical or biophysical realities and the individual human groups, which have also existed.

Being Basque (in a broad sense), feeling, creativity, euskaldunity or emotion generated by this Basque instinct and any initiative are bases, incentives, benefits.

The Basque ecosystem is currently fragmented in many areas. Parts often appear individually or crushed if we have the ability to visualize them.

The Basque ecosystem is currently fragmented in many areas. Parts often appear individually or crushed if we have the ability to view them

How much are we? One, four, three, five, seven? If the moving gaze goes further, eight? (If the territory of the Basque diaspora of the castle of Etxauzia de Baigorri materializes). Or in eleven habitats and scattered virtual spaces!

How many Basques are we? Two million, three million, five -- how much?

From the seven territories where Euskera is the mother tongue, through current collective migrations and taking into account individual Basque citizens, communities and diaspora centers, the Basque Country, the Basque sense, creativity and love for Euskal Herria are present in the world. All of them are living members, dynamic members and builders, authors of the Basque character. Why do they not appear in the world as a unique fact – as in Korrika – in diversity but in union? Basque Country is there.

Creative arts associations, bertsolaris schools, Euskaltegis, agricultural and craft fairs, clusters, cooperatives and technological centers, auzolan, youth initiatives, feminisms, adult movements, naturalists, environmental networks, energy communities, pacifist groups, internationalists, social networks, neighborhood and neighborhood assemblies, General Boards, Congresses… observatories.

These Basque pieces can appear freely in the same common space, regardless of their conceptual, corporate, corporal or multimedia character. The Basque corpus must be associated with a certain name, form, form. The name can be the name, the name is the name it has been.

In addition to being Basque, there is no doubt that there is an abundant harvest throughout the Basque biosphere, both material and non-material. They can all be inspected, given their place, create common spaces, gather them together and, ultimately, organize and disseminate.

The Basque Country, its society, its heritage, its prosperity, its generosity and its solidarity, if they so wish, can be united, unite, stimulate, seize and spread.

Xabier Arana Eiguren, Bachelor of Life Sciences