Report on Ustaritz's new speculative sale
  • A house in Uztaritz has been sold for EUR 480,000 and a group of citizens has denounced this act on 16 July. A mobilisation against speculation in Iparralde took place on Sunday.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 19a
Ostia sareak espekulazioaren aurka egindako elkartaratzea. Argazkia: Ostia sarea.

The Bista-Eder house was purchased last year for 288,600 euros and now, after the works, is on sale for 479,960 euros. A group of Uztaritz neighbours denounced this sale and on Sunday concentrated against speculation.

They report that the homeowner never lives in it. In a very special speculative context, in which nothing is new: in addition to the mobilisation against the sale of the abovementioned house, the occupation against the speculation of the Olha de Senpere estate continues.

On the same weekend as the Uztaritz protests, various initiatives have been taken to denounce the speculation, called by the Ostia network.