Ipar Euskal Herria will be blocked on 23 July to release Parot and Esnal
  • That is what the representatives of Bake Bidea said at their hearing on Thursday in Luhuso. Finally, on 9 and 15 June, French justice studied the freedom of Ion Parot and Jakes Esane, and the judges supported their parole, but the prosecutor appealed and will now decide their freedom on 21 July.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 23a
Argazkia: Bake Bidean

The judges have defended the freedom of the two prisoners, but the Public Prosecutor’s Office has appealed and, therefore, to pressure the French Government, has announced that Bake Bidean will block Ipar Euskal Herria on 23 July, in a hearing made up of a large group of citizens.

"The refusal to consider blindness and the positive evolution of the Basque context encourages a sectarian and irresponsible view of the consequences. This willingness to reject all the possibilities of short-term liberation shows motivations far removed from justice, from the subordination of the State," they said in Luhuso.

With these decisions, they state that they will close all the possibilities of completing the roadmap set out at the Conference in Aiete: "To do this, all prisoners and exiles must be freed and rescued, establishing transitional justice, accepting all victims, creating mechanisms that guarantee their rights, establishing a dialogue on the ground between all parties involved and identifying the sources of conflict."

Macron, first responsible

President Macron is directly guilty of the blockade situation: "Notes that the citizens of Euskal Herria feel their lack of consideration, live their immobility as a real humiliation. That humiliation can be transmitted from generation to generation, are you really willing to consciously assume this risk? ".

But civil society representatives have made it clear that they will not allow such obstacles, and that is why they have called for the blockade action of 23: "We'll create tension to get attention." They have already mobilised hundreds of people, the actions will last all day and call on the citizens to close the main avenues. Ten appointments have been made in the following villages and if you want Peace prepare justice with the motto: 10 a.m. in Baiona Square at 10:00; in Baiona Marouette parking at 10:00; in Biarritz Station at 10:30; in Bidet, in Uhabia Beach Parking at 10:00; in Ziburu Square at 10:30; in Pausu Xbane Parking at 10:00;

The following people appeared at the press conference to support the call: Argitxu Dufau, Dominika Durruty, Haritz Agirre, Joana Olasagasti, Maddi Errecaret, Marise Cachenau, Marie Christine Aragon, Kaiet Barbarena, Lucien Betbeder, Pascal Dejoux, Oihana Driolet, Jean Felino