The Solidarity Group of Iturmendi (Navarre) has called for mobilization at local festivities. The festivities begin on the 16th and this Saturday, the 20th, a demonstration is held in support of the prosecution by the National Court and will require its acquittal. Against repression and in defence of freedom of expression, the mobilisation will begin at 19:30.
A person from Iturmendi was arrested and held incommunicado by the police last February by order of the National High Court after being arrested. The man, who has been accused of assaulting eta on various social networks, has been accused of "paying tribute to terrorism" in the Biscayan capital. In order to prevent his imprisonment, the defendant had to pay a bond of EUR 7,000, but remains at risk of imprisonment: The prosecutor's office is asking for two and a half years' imprisonment and a fine of almost EUR 7,000 for each of them.
The Judicial Police reported the date of the trial shortly after the Iturmendi Solidarity Group called for the mobilization of 20 July: On 16 July it shall be the day on which the accused person shall be tried. The members of Elkartasun Taldea have asked to be attentive to the forthcoming calls and have called on the neighbours of Iturmendi and all of Sakana to join the demonstration on the 20th.