The novel 'Jenisjoplin' by Uxue Alberdi wins the 111 Academy Award
  • The novel Jenisjoplin by Uxue Alberdi has won the 111 Academy Award 2017. This award is given by the readers and this year it has won in the third round of voting the other candidate, Maddi Zubeldia’s book The Desert of Childhood.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2018ko apirilaren 11
Uxue Alberdi idazle elgoibartarra (argazkia: Dani Blanco).

Alberto’s novel, starring Nagore Vargas, is set in the last three decades as a context of the Basque conflict. It includes, among other things, the experiences and different perspectives of two generations with a difference of 30 years.

In his interview with LA LUZ in November last year, he explained that “in the novel the identities are confused and sometimes collide. It is in a certain way a testimony of the marginality that I met in Elgoibar in the 1990s. That's been inside of me so far. For a moment, I decided to form the character of Nagore Vargas and build his environment. The conflict has lasted for decades, and in time, nuances and nuances, most of us moved to one side or the other, swallowed our contradictions and weaknesses, and each of us moved forward together with our team.”

The Reward Readers Give

Since many people participate in the decision of the prize, the 111 Academy is different from the other literary prizes: there is no single justification for why the winner has been selected, the choral arguments of several readers explain why the prize has been awarded to the winner.

In this case, for example, one reader highlights the “attractive and easy” reading offered by the book, while another highlights that everything has happened to him while reading the book: “I’ve enjoyed it a lot, I’ve been very bored, I’ve started reading it with enthusiasm, I’ve skipped the book for a few days with laziness...”, he explains before giving his final opinion: “Overall, it was worth it.” A third opinion has highlighted the dialogues of the book as “brilliant dialogues”, as well as the “odor that has happened” that the places mentioned have given to the story.

The award ceremony will take place on 10 May in Andoain.