"The relationship between usurbildarras and the xyberos continues."
  • The crew of Usurbil and Aginaga met as every year with the Urdiñarbe xyberos on the first weekend of December. He prepared a solidarity dinner for the Seaska Integration Commission.
Usurbilgo Noaua @noaua 2023ko abenduaren 12a
Argazkia: Nafartarrak.

"The relationship between the usurbildarras and the xyberos continues," they say by warning to NOAUA! As they have done for many years during the first weekend of December, the Usurbil and Aginaga crew were in the Xiberoa area, cooking the solidarity dinner by the integration commission of the ikastolas. It has been sent to NOAUA! It's lived there, through the following text and the photo attached to this news.

"This weekend the crew of Usurbil and Agiña was in Urdiñarbe (Xiberua). Like every year, a dinner was prepared for 200 people on Saturday and attendees ate dinner in the village hall of Urdiñarbe. The collection shall be routinely allocated to the Ikastola Integration Board.


The relationship between the usurbildarras and the xyberos continues and as last weekend the Xiberotarras went to Usurbil, this time the Gipuzkoans have approached Xibero. There was no lack of music at dinner, and like Music Day, which was held until about 30 years ago in Urdiñarbe, they also presented a projection of images and videos."


It should also be remembered that in recent weeks the baskets campaign in favour of the ikastolas de Xiberoa has been carried out. In Usurbil, the solidarity initiative has come with Nafartarrak as it is every year. To those who have requested during the predetermined period baskets with local products produced by the parents of the ikastolas, as usual, this Sunday 17 December NOAUA! At the Santo Tomás fair organized by the Cultural Association you will be able to buy them in the position that the Nafartarrak group will set in motion.