Ortuzar, condemned for corruption, maintains the right to work of his former colleague De Miguel
  • In statements made on Monday morning in Radio Euskadi, the president of the EBB of the PNV pointed out that if the final judgment of the case is not given, the PNV cannot do anything so that Alfredo de Miguel, convicted of corruption, does not work in the company related to the government. It criticizes the "inaction" of justice.
Lide Iraola 2023ko urtarrilaren 09a
2019an hamahiru urteko espetxe zigorra jarri zioten De Migueli (eskuinean) ustelkeria sare baten buru bezala. / Argazkia: El Diario

The ex-jelkide Alfredo de Miguel, condemned for corruption, last week published his participation in institutional events on behalf of the government. In this regard, Andoni Ortuzar, president of the EBB of the PNV, spoke on Monday in Euskadi Radio. He has placed his responsibility in justice: "It is not normal for the cause to remain open after fourteen years. It's complicated, but it's not like Watergate."

Along the same lines as the Hazi Foundation, attached to the Basque Government, Ortuzar pointed out that the former affiliate maintains "all his rights" until the court gives a final judgment, including the labor one. He therefore says that the PNV cannot do anything else.

On the other hand, according to journalist Iker Rioja, who published information in El Mayo, the foundation had the opportunity not to admit De Miguel as a worker, since the 2019 Hazi collective agreement, if he had been sentenced to more than six years for economic crimes that allowed the dismissal of his members, does not make the sentence “firm”.

As for the criticisms of the opposition parties, Ortuzar rejects them in the belief that they are electorate.

Case of Miguel

De Miguel, a member of the Álava Presidential Board, was arrested by the Police in March 2010 together with two other leaders of the Alavese PNV. The High Court of Justice of Álava sentenced him to 13 years in prison in December 2019, accusing him of leading a network of corruption, but he and others convicted appealed, and after three years the Supreme Court has not yet issued a judgment.