A case of corruption condemns the FPO, the Austrian ultra-right party, for the benefit of the conservatives
  • The ultra-right FPO party has been involved in corruption cases in recent months, leading to a loss of votes in the general elections in Austria. The Conservative Party has ratified its position, but it will have to start negotiating with the parties to form government.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko irailaren 30
Sebastian Kurz alderdi kontserbadorearen buru gaztea. Argazkia:

The party of the Austrian Prime Minister, Sebastian Kurz, has won the general elections with 38.4% of the votes in favour. The ultra-right FPO party has fallen considerably – 8.7 points – as it has been known in recent months that it is in alleged cases of alleged corruption. The Social Democratic Party has also collapsed, but it remains in second position, with 21.5% of the votes in favour.

The reactions to the exit of the name of the far-right party FPO in the supposed case of the alleged corruption of Ibiza have had a clear effect on the elections, as the FPO has lost almost 10 points. However, they still add a majority between conservatives and ultra-right, but after this case conservatives will try to form an alternative majority.

Eivissa case

In May, a video was filtered two years ago in which the FPO leader Heinz-Christian Strache and the ally of Sebastian kurz offered contracts to the niece of a Russian oligarca in exchange for money for the election campaign. The video was recorded on the island of Ibiza, so it is the Eivissa case.

This scandal caused Kurz to say "enough is enough" and announced that he would advance the elections. Thus, on 29 September, the presidential elections were held, in which the far-right FPO party has suffered a marked decline.