The tenth edition of the Usopop festival will be held on 25 and 26 May in Sara
  • Anari, Asile Club, Efrim Manuel Menuck, Joseba Irazoki eta Lagunak, Lisabö, Lysistrata, Lankum, Madeleine and This is the Kit.
Iñigo Igartua @igartua19 2019ko urtarrilaren 24a
Lisabö taldearen "Eta edertasunaren lorratzetan biluztu ginen" disko berria entzun ahalko da besteak beste.

For the 10th edition of the Usopop festival, the organizers have prepared "a program in which you can enjoy significant artists, rural environments and affordable prices".

Pop, country, punk rock, folk, electronics or rock will sound from 22:00 in Sara's Lizarrieta Gunea.

Tickets for the two days can be purchased on the festival website for 22,99 euros.