81% voted in favour of the constitution of Usansolo as an independent people
  • A total of 3,647 people over 16 registered in Usansolo were called to participate in the consultation organized by the City of Galdakao, of which 2,302 (63.12%) have given their opinion. 81.54% of the respondents declared themselves in favour of becoming an independent country with a percentage of votes.  
ARGIA @argia 2022ko martxoaren 28a
Usansolo, ospitaletik ikusita / Javier Mediavilla Ezquibela - Wikimedia

Survey results:

  • Yes: 1,877 votes; 81.54 per cent of votes
  • No: 329 votes, 14.29 per cent of total
  • You cannot answer: 47 votes; 2.04 %
  • To you: 21 votes; 0.91 per cent
  • Null: 28 votes; 1.22 per cent

The vote is not binding. The City Council of Galdakao, in compliance with the Foral Rule on segregation processes, shall send the result of the consultation to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia for referral to the General Boards of Bizkaia. It will be he who decides on the future of Usansolo.

Last January the City of Galdakao approved the consultation with the votes of the councillors of the groups EH Bildu, Usansolo Herria, Auzoak and Van-Equo. The two representatives of the PSE voted against and the six of the PNV abstained.