Two ikastolas from Zuberoa start an annual campaign to sell baskets
  • They will sell baskets with local benefits for Christmas. It starts on 1 November and ends on 26, the planned date of distribution on 15 December.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 31
Zuberoako Ikastolen saski salmenta. // Argazkia: Ikaskoli

The ikastolas Eperra and Aloze de Zuberoa will start the annual campaign for the sale of baskets between 1 and 26 November. The planned date of distribution is 15 December.

This edition aims to “stabilize last year’s changes” and will continue with three equal baskets: Pettarra (EUR 50), Arbaila (EUR 57) and Basabürüa (EUR 68). The organization has clarified that the products that make up the baskets are of high quality and have been manufactured in them.

Cestones can be purchased on the web They call to collaborate with the ikastolas of Zuberoa: “Let us promote the Basque, helping the Ikastolas of Xibero!”