"They want to make San Sebastian the world's largest laboratory to make 4,000 tons of meat a year."
  • EHNE meets with the giant synthetic meats laboratory being built by BioTech Foods in the industrial estate Eskusaitzeta to denounce the macroproject. Garikoitz Nazabal, president of EHNE, has denounced that this is a project based on “silence and lies”.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2023ko ekainaren 23a
EHNE sindikatuak Eskusaitzetan egin du elkarretaratzea, Biotech Foodsen laborategiaren irekiera salatzeko. (Argazkia: Xalba Ramirez)

The agricultural union is experiencing the situation with concern: “It will have an unmeasured impact on society as a whole, on citizenship and on the sector. It is the largest laboratory in the world that can produce 4,000 tons of meat a year Frankenstein.”

Nazabal believes that “the consequences are not measured” of the creation of a giant company of this kind. “They are projects to put our food into the hands of multinationals, leaving patents in private hands, rather than bringing food to sovereignty.”

During the meeting they have denounced that “this one that is being covered by the name of a Basque company, is working with the support of the largest meat company in the world”. In fact, according to El Salto, the Brazilian multinational JBS owns the company Biotech Foods with 51% of the shares. Moreover, they have allowed the relationship of this company with corruption cases in Brazil and deforestation in the Amazon.

“Silence is one of the keys behind this project: People and citizens are not learning about what is going on, about the project itself, let alone what it can suppose,” Nazabal said. They also believe that some lies are spreading: “They say it’s more sustainable than livestock. That is not at all true, that is false. That laboratories will contaminate 25 times more CO2 than livestock.”