Happy New Year
Iñaki Moriones Madariaga 2024ko irailaren 10a

It is not Christmas, however, there will soon be decorations in the big shops to announce it, or at least they say so. In the shop window “Zorionak! Claims like “Gabon ederra passes!” will be exposed everywhere. However, congratulations can be many: the lottery, bringing a newborn into the world, having done one more year or having achieved a one-year place for the new course. The latter, perhaps as the first example. A lottery for novice professor.

In recent days, more often, but it is weeks that we are talking about the issue of awards. You have a place and I don't. Where are you going to choose you? What period? As far as possible, move away, remove the thirds. When there is no need, you can remove, select. Near the optional house.

Fortunately, I've chosen her close to home. Last year I started working in the same centre, or at least that is the intention. I work as a professor at AEK, and on the first Monday of this month we started the new course. In our case, registration opens in September, despite having an estimate and a forecast, nothing releases us from surprises and surprises. How many students will we have? How many groups will we be able to do? It is not in our hands to give class to all the students, because if we do not create the group we are left without Euskera. Will they be back last year? Why not? Maybe because I'm a poor teacher. I can't say that because it's hurting myself, but it can happen in days when I can't pull that idea out of my imagination. On the other hand, if you come back, what's the reason? Hadn't my job done well? Each teacher builds heads in his or her head.

There are several questions and only time will bring us the answers, but to circle and give them. Will I be a good teacher? Last year I heard the praise and the precious words: “I like your classes, I do well”, “in the short term we have the clearest things”, etc. Will they be true? I haven't heard the evils I had to say, and I don't know what I prefer, listen or create. I'm scared that the opposing ideas that I can think of in my head correspond to reality.

The new course scares me, because I have lost the excuse of the new teacher and I should have already learned things to improve. Knowing the limits. He talked about boundaries, will they be the same? I feel the doubts as the course approaches, but I have decided to recognize them as normal.

There are teachers who need more holidays, not my case. Because I'd rather start the classes. Lie. I don't know. Start of classes or start of preparation of classes. According to a verb, I feel a chasm. I'm sure I'll hurt my head when I prepare, will I do this, must I do it? Will they? Are you going to like it? Are you going to learn? On the other hand, at the beginning of the classes, what has been prepared must be evicted. Put all your eyes on the tablated, the pens on the leaves, ready to write so that what is said is recorded in ink, so that you don't forget, so that the errors in the description are there, forever.

It is a turning point the new course, more than Christmas and a new year. I'm sorry, at least. That is why I come to wish you a new year, both for teachers and students. When we talk to the students who have approached us, we realize that the course is long and sometimes it is difficult to do everything. Teachers can't smooth the way, but we can share the burden. Like the students need the help of the teaching staff, the teaching staff also needs the help of the students. We started the way to learn Euskera by coping with each other. Happy new year!

Iñaki Moriones Madariaga, Euskera professor