Support for the general strike of 30 January in the State
  • On January 30, different towns and cities in the Spanish state will claim the end of precariousness, the creation of decent jobs and pensions and the construction of a feminist society.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2020ko urtarrilaren 22a
Amurrion egin duten pintaketa bat, grebara dei eginez.

The general strike is receiving great support. More commissions have been created than any other call for strike, 170 committees, and the LAB syndicate announced that over 1,200 companies have joined the strike.

However, despite being a call by Euskal Herria, in the Spanish State there are also those who supported them. In Madrid, Granada or Gijón, among others, concentrations will be held to show solidarity with the Basque working class and with the most demanding sectors. Calls include the following: