The demonstration in favour of the rights of Basque political prisoners will take place on 11 January
  • With the constitution of the new Spanish Government, the organizers believe that the mobilisation of 2020 will be "important". They also want the manifestation to be one more step on the road to "a society in peace, justice and coexistence, in the key of coexistence".
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urriaren 22a
(Argazkia: Sare)

Another year, Sare has called for the streets of Bilbao to be filled in defence of the rights of Basque prisoners. At a press conference held this Tuesday morning in Bilbao, they announced the date of the annual mobilisation in defence of the rights of Basque prisoners within the framework of the dynamic Orain Presoak: 11 January.

They consider that mobilization “in this new cycle of social activation” must be “an important turning point”, emphasizing that “mobilization is the most important tool that current societies have to articulate the majority, activate society and achieve great changes”.

Spokespersons for Sare Arantza Aldezabal and Joseba Azkarraga have pointed out that the call for 2020 will have a special meaning, considering that it is the forthcoming elections to Congress and the Senate and that Spain will have a new government.

Faced with the view of the French Government that it has made "significant movements" in recent months, Spain hopes that it will become an "example". [Spain] "The State does not now have a problem with an institution that does not exist, the problem now has it with society", they said, and consider it necessary for the Spanish State to accelerate the pace in order to improve the situation of prisoners.

In addition to benefiting the rights of Basque prisoners, they hope that the demonstration will also be a step forward on the road to "a society of peace, justice and coexistence".