Ursula von der Leyen appointed President of the European Commission
  • It received 401 votes in favour and 284 against, but it achieved an absolute majority by 41 votes in favour and 41 against. In the next five years he will again be president of the Generalitat, with the support of the popular, the Social Democrats, the Liberals and the Greens. EH Bildu voted against and the PNV voted in favour.
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Ursula von der Leyen will be the President of the European Commission five more years after she has obtained a majority of votes in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Of the total 707 votes, the German right-wing politician received 401 votes in favour, 284 against, 15 abstentions and seven no votes. Finally, the majority of the votes have been set at 360 votes. Von der Leyen won in the 2019 vote by nine votes, and in this year’s vote he won by 41 votes.

Despite the fact that the votes are anonymous, popular, Social Democrats, Liberals and Greens had previously reported that they had ordered the MEPs of their respective parties to vote. Patriots for Europe, Europe of Sovereign Nations and left have voted against, while conservatives and reformists have given their MEPs freedom to vote, even though they had expressed their desire for the majority to vote against. Sources from the Italian party Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni confirmed that they voted against the resolution.

EH Bildu voted against and the PNV voted in favour. EH Bildu has argued that they have not voted in von der Leyen for their position in favour of increased military spending, and the PNV has said that they have voted in favour on the condition that the president does not reach an agreement with the ultra-right.

Emission reduction, air defence system and new commissioners

In the vote this year, the German has achieved the support of the Greens. At the last minute they have decided to vote on von der Leyen with the aim of reducing the impact of the extreme right on European policies, and because the politician has promised them that the Green Pact, which aims to put the European Union on the path of ecological transition, by 2050 to achieve climate neutrality, will not take a step backwards, according to EITB. Von der Leyen has announced that in 2040 it will by law force a 90% reduction in emissions.

The German has called for the European Defence Union (EU) and has advocated an air defence system that "protects Europe". He has announced that he will appoint a new Commissioner for the Mediterranean and housing and a new Commissioner who will deal exclusively with fisheries. Von der Leyen referred to “European life”: “I will never allow demagogues and extremists to destroy our European life,” the politician said.

The president has the whole summer to form a team of commissioners and concretize the responsibility that each one will have.