File the case of the young people who declared in the National Hearing for the events of 12 October
  • Twelve young Navarros declared last February at the Spanish National Court and have finally not held a trial within the framework of the National Court.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko martxoaren 17a

The Spanish National High Court has decided to suspend the trial of young people investigated for the murder of a young woman at the hands of the crown. The young people have been investigated by the symbolic action organized by Sortu on 12 October and had to declare between 9 and 12 February. The statements were made electronically by the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra.

According to Berria, the closure of the case was announced last Tuesday at a hearing in Pamplona/Iruña. At the hearing in which they assured that they will not be silent. “We are absolutely convinced that the exercise of freedom of expression is the way to achieve that freedom and we reaffirm it. Today and tomorrow.” They have appreciated the solidarity that many political actors, trade unions and social movements have given them throughout the process.

On October 12, with the help of Ernai and Sortu, various activities were organized at different points in Hego Euskal Herria. Supporters of independence and against monarchy, under the slogan Do not celebrate anything. According to the young people, the Civil Guard and the National Police did not "liked" the initiative: “They tried to condition the act of protest through different threats.”

Freedom of expression

In the opinion of young people, the “conception” that some powers have of freedom of expression is not new. They denounce that in Euskal Herria we have suffered for years. “Everything that calls into question the regime of 78 is in the spotlight of all the police, media and judicial machinery. Even more so if the objective of criticism is that the monarchy be untouchable and this criticism comes from independence”. They have stressed that the 78 regime is in crisis, and they have coincided in the debate on the democratic quality of Spain.