The Socialist Gazte Topagune will be held from 11 to 15 October in the Region of Pamplona
  • The socialist meeting is organized by the Young Socialist Coordinator and the National Students. "Build a socialist alternative to collect, deepen and disseminate the political culture of socialism," they explain.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko uztailaren 11
Gazte Topagune Sozialistaren aurkezpen bideoa / Argazkia: Gedar

The Socialist Gazte Topagune will be held from 11 to 15 October in Villava and Burlada (Region of Pamplona). National Students and Young Socialist Coordinators will organize "to collect, deepen and disseminate the political culture of socialism, because they believe it is urgent to build a socialist alternative". To this end, they stress that young workers must be “pillars”.

This is the fourth edition of the previous three held in Azpeitia, Altsasu / Alsasua and Durango. One more year, the meeting will focus on eleven policy issues through round tables and conferences. In addition, it is explained that shows, sports sessions and concerts will be organized, among others.

Sales tickets

Tickets are already available on the website of the Socialist Youth Coordinator.