26 October: all to Gasteiz against megaprojects and for Earth
  • Euskal Herria Activa encourages participation in the demonstration against the mega-projects that the big corporations want to impose on the excuse of the energy transition on 26 October in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Lurraren Defentsan Euskal Herria Bizirik 2024ko urriaren 22a

In recent years we have been experiencing a new wave of attacks on the territory. Examples in all countries: innovative corporate macro-projects, high-speed train, macro-farms and macro-calendars, new mines, new motorways to private vehicles, parks and destruction of urban trees, gas pipelines, industrial and logistic polygons, large commercial centres, Guggenheim or Polígono de Tyre de las Bardenas in reserves of the Biosphere, turistification, high voltage lines, etc. No territory in the Basque Country is spared its consequences: loss of community, artificialization of the soil, increase in CO2 emissions, pollution of aquifers and air, deterioration of living conditions and quality of workers, loss of biodiversity...

Behind all the macro-projects there is the same capitalist hand that prioritizes profit.

Behind all macro-projects we find the same capitalist hand that prioritizes the constant search for profits: a predatory system fed by natural resources and human exploitation, using the consumerism, colonialism and political, administrative and military imposition of its projects.

Álava Corporate Innovative Macroprojects

Álava is undergoing the monitoring of corporate renewables macro-projects. At the moment, 89 macro-projects are in progress. This is unbearable.

She's being bullied. At the moment, 89 macro-projects are in progress. Of these, 17 are wind and 72 photoboltaic. This is unbearable. Those who drive and defend this model say that they are committed to the energy transition, in the hope that it will enable us to save ourselves from climate change and reduce our fossil consumption. What happens in Navarre, which is often seen as a model for renewable development, serves to highlight this false discourse. After ten years of waves of corporate renewables, both energy consumption (including fossils) and greenhouse gases have increased.

Multinationals want to save their pockets and not the planet.

In fact, multinationals want to save their pockets and not the planet. They don't care about the loss of fertile land, the disappearance of small farmers, the privatization of the community, the damage to biodiversity, the reduction of fossil fuel consumption... Democratic planning to address basic needs in a fair manner and by rejecting unnecessary and unsustainable activities, democratic control of energy production and distribution or universal access to the energy of the public are left over and hampered.

For all these reasons, Euskal Herria Activa calls to participate in the demonstration to be held on the 26th in Vitoria-Gasteiz, at 18:00 hours, in the Plaza de Bilbao. The fight against corporate macropojections is a fight for the Earth and with which we build our relationships from social justice.