12 October: yesterday, today and always in the face of Spanish imperialism, peoples of resistance!
  • Euskal Herria today hosts the men’s football team in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The day of Hispanidad is for some a day of exaltation of racism, imperialism and genocide; for the Basques it has always been an alien holiday: we have organized popular schools, we have called for the expulsion of the occupying police forces... and at the same time, as an internationalist, it has been a day to remember Abya Yala.
Askapena talde internazionalista @askapena 2018ko urriaren 12a

In fact, raising our eyes a little gives us the necessary perspective to realize that, beyond being a holiday of others, 12 October is also the day of resistance. Those who for more than 5 centuries fought without gripping the Spanish imperialists, today fight the transnational corporations by showing their teeth to those who steal and exploit their lands and bodies. Socialism to the compass, feminism as an essential partner, the peoples of Abya Yala continue to take steps towards sovereignty. Although imperialism, like the executioner, has thousands of faces, the option of opposing part of the resistance. Like 500 years ago still today.

For this reason, it is essential that today be a day of claim and solidarity in Mendizorroza, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Euskal Herria, that is, a day of resistance. And in that resistance of Spanish imperialism we are accompanied by those who fight for the sovereignty of Euskal Herria and Venezuela, along with the rest of the working peoples who are on the road of the second independence throughout Abya Yala.

It can only create battles before the empires and it has been in the victories of the working peoples of the world. These gaps have opened up throughout history by confronting the defenders of the transnational bourgeoisies and their interests.

That is why, since Askapena, on 12 October, we want to show the woman’s face of this resistance and to assert the need and the right of peoples to resist Spanish imperialism and its puppets. In Latin America, as in most corners of the world, both oppression and resistance are women's names and for years Abya Yalan has fought and defended his lives as a free territory: right to abortion, fight against femicides, obstetric violence, demands for the rights of working women, fight for the rights of black or indigenous women... Mercedes Sosa, Celia Sánchez, Berta Cáceres, Lolita Chávez or Moira Millán. This is a map of the resistance of Abya Yala with proper female names, and that is what we wanted to remember today.

Building popular power, disobeying, let us defeat Spanish imperialism with the resistance of the peoples, so that the day of Hispanidad will henceforth be the day of resistance of the peoples.

Yesterday, today and always in the face of Spanish imperialism, RESISTANCE PEOPLES! How many popular struggles are the only ones!