About 300 people participated in the face of fascist aggressions, the people firmly! ! Long live the popular, egalitarian and anti-fascist parties! In the demonstration called under the motto Lemoa, according to the newspaper Otamotz.
On the night of 3 to 4 September they painted in favor of Franco to the floats, in some of which they carried out destroys and stole material.
Police surveillance and security cameras
On 4 September, after the aggression was known, the Urretxu City Hall published a note of the aggression. He added that he would continue to "work for a Urretxu based on mutual respect, plurality and a constructive attitude". According to the City Council, the first measure it has taken has been to strengthen police surveillance and to put security cameras in the area.
For its part, the Gazte Asanblada of Zumarraga and Urretxu (ZUGA) has expressed its "indignation" over the news of the aggression, "but not by surprise, because fascist orientation actions are increasingly common in our environment". The young people say that they "have no choice but to react", denouncing this type of attack or, later, "participating in the assemblies of neighborhoods and towns and assuming every aggression besides the organization and the struggle".