The social movement has censored Iñigo Urkullu's statements about Inca esku in the roles he played about the sovereign process in Catalonia. In His opinion, the concept that lehendakari has shown of the agent is "distorted" and states that its initiatives are "oriented towards the cohesion and empowerment of Basque citizenship". The movement considers that, since its creation, it has sought "the defense of the right to decide", which means "deepening democracy".
Urkullu identified the platform as a "tensioning element" that, in his opinion, has no capacity. In the face of this situation, Cincesku has argued that what really strains society is "to prevent that possibility from a discourse that wants to decide its future". It also recalled "police violence against the citizens who are going to vote or repression against the political and social leaders who made a referendum possible".
He has explained that he will continue to work to enable the right to decide, "deepening the democratic culture, fostering an enriching debate and claiming the tools to make the right to decide effective". It has also shown its willingness to accompany social partners, parties, institutions and citizens in general. It has therefore been prepared to "stand up for the lehendakari of the Basque Government" in a public hearing.
According to the newspaper Berria on 29 July last, the internal communications of Lehendakaritza have followed closely the events of the Catalan process and its impact on the Basque Autonomous Community. In a report of November 6, 2017, for example, it stresses that "alternative discourses led by the lehendakari and the PNV do not take root in the Basque Country". And it goes on: "The Saturday demonstration and the Sunday consultations of Céesku dago do not change the Basque scenario, which is taking place. They highlight the limits of the strategy that ELA is trying to push forward."
A year later, on October 30, 2018, Pedro Sánchez spoke to the President of the Spanish Government about Decks Esku: "Although the success of their calls is modest, it remains a tensioning element".
Faced with the declaration of independence of Catalonia on October 27, 2017, Urkullu was firmly in favour of the constitutional framework: "I couldn't do it for consistency, I wouldn't be able to do it. Because I am not in favour of unilateral pathways, let alone those managed by dividing society." Thus, it rejected the motion that EH Bildu submitted to the Basque Parliament to recognize the TAV declaration.