Erkoreka says Urkullu has not taken a step forward in the elections
  • Following the refusal of the Spanish Government, Iñigo Urkullu has not yet decided what to do with the elections, as explained by the Basque Government spokesman Josu Erkoreka. Your intention is to discuss this matter with the other political parties in the Basque Parliament.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 30
Josu Erkoreka eta Iñigo Urkullu. Argazkia: El Mundo.

Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, will take two reports to the meeting this Thursday afternoon. One of them will refer to the possible evolution of the pandemic, the other legal one, which, although no vote has yet been called for by 25 September, which is the last day of the legislature, explains the legal consequences that may arise from its call for proposals.

Date not established

The first date for the elections was 5 April, but, in the midst of the crisis of the pandemic, Urkullu heeded the opposition parties and suspended them. Now, he proposed elections in July, because for the experts, “July is going to be the least month hit by the plague.”

The Spanish Government has already announced that there will be no elections until the situation is settled, and some parties in the Basque Parliament are of the same opinion. EH Bildu says it's not time to talk about elections. In the same vein, Elkarrekin Podemos has pointed out that there are no conditions for holding elections and that it would be “to pave”.

The pp asked him to present the experts' criteria and was willing to analyze the data presented by Urkullu. But he said that it is not enough to say that “July is the best time to vote”.