Urkullu knew that Sánchez would let the kids out before he publicly claimed it.
  • CAV's lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has stated that he would propose to the Spanish Government that "the first and most important measure" be to allow children and people with special needs to leave the house. However, according to Gara, Urkullu already knew that, for example, Sánchez had already taken the decision to take this measure.
2020ko apirilaren 18a

In the statements made on 5 April last by lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, he did not ask for such a measure. On that day I had expressly requested: "Plan to return to educational, economic, social or cultural activity. It is incumbent upon us to bring forward the situations of the gradual reactivation of traffic, transport and businesses, educational establishments and leisure, sporting spaces or cultural activity".