Urkullu stays just defending his surveillance system
Iraide Urriz Goikoetxea Beatriz Martinez Gayoso Txaro Marquinez Idiaquez 2024ko martxoaren 15a

The legislature has ended and the PNV-PSE has not taken steps to change the custody model. The Lehendakari dismisses with a powerful campaign "Towards a Basque pact for care", denouncing "the political use and manipulation of care".

On 1 February, at the visit of the representatives of the User and Family Associations of the monitoring services to the parliamentary groups of the CAPV, we saw that there is no political party outside the Lehendakari pact. Moreover, the Associations of Users and Family Members, among others, present a large number of claims that have not responded to us, and that did not know where the "draft decree of residences" works, which sought to improve the "ratios" of the residences.

The public-community model, centered on people... are important concepts that must be combined with concepts such as gratuity, working conditions, rights and guarantees of current and future users, quality, participation... so that the system is robust and built for citizens and not to give benefits to companies and that can generate false expectations.

We call on all institutions interested in radically improving the care system, especially political institutions, to define the surveillance model we want and to be one of the main issues in the electoral debate.

Article 44.1 of the Basque Social Services Act gave the Basque Government the role of coordinating the Basque social services system, but it has not been complied with and has been kept secret. We have three systems that are developed independently and with different services, offers, deficiencies, prices and proposals in each Historical Territory. However, the three systems have in common the privatisation of everything they have been able to, the lack of legal regulation of user rights and job insecurity.

The participation of User and Family Associations is considered a priority in the 2006 Basque Law of Social Services and the 2008 State Law of Dependency. In this last legislature, despite its insistence and even through the Ararteko, this right has been denied to the Federation of Users and Family in the Basque Council of Social Services and to territorial associations in local territorial councils.

The Basque Pact that the Urkullu government proposed at the time of saying goodbye is a fraud. It is not intended to integrate the other political parties, neither the Basque trade union majority, nor the representation of users and family members, nor, of course, the demands made by the Feminist Movement recently in the Feminist Strike.

We call on all the institutions that are interested in radically improving the Basque care system, especially the political institutions, to define the surveillance model we want and to be one of the main themes in the electoral debate.

Iraide Urriz Goikoetxea (Protect Bizkaia), Beatriz Martínez Gayoso (Relatives of Gipuzkoa), Txaro Marquinez Idiaquez (Zaintza Araba)