The Basque Parliament argues that Uriarte, Celaá, Campos and Iztueta are politically responsible for fraud in school canteens.
  • The Education Counselors from 2003-2017 have been in charge of companies agreeing the prices of school canteens. The committee of inquiry said that the members "were very slow", with the support of the Basque Parliament.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko urriaren 11
Hezkuntza sailburu Cristina Uriarte. Argazkia: EiTB

The current Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, the spokeswoman for the Spanish State of Education, Isabel Celaá, and the former Minister of Education, José Antonio Campos, have been appointed as political leaders for this fraud case. The companies that manage the food of school canteens, including Ausolan, Magui Central Kitchen, Goñi Central Kitchen, Baska Cuisine, Cantabrian Cuisine, Tamar and Eurest, agreed prices that increased spending on citizens.

According to the work carried out by the committee of inquiry, the event generated an overrun of between EUR 70 and 80 million in one year. Of these, between 42 and 48 million were paid by the parents, and the rest, with public money. The investigation, which started in 2018, has revealed irregularities in the company’s recruitment of companies.

PSE and PNV, disagreed

The parliamentary groups of the PSE and the PNV did not join in the committee’s conclusions and voted against this Thursday’s assembly. The other groups, however, voted in favour of the proposed law. The Socialist Party and the Basque Nationalist Party stated that the votes of the opposition have come together in the interests of the electorate and the party. EH Member Bildu Eva López de Arroyabe has denounced the coalition's "lack of control and sluggishness".