They want to encourage exchanges between young people from Urdax and Pobeña
  • Urdax (Navarra) has maintained a centuries-old relationship with the peoples of Muskiz and Pobeña de Bizkaia through iron. The ore leaving Bizkaia was brought by sea to Lapurdi and transported with steers of oxen and mares on the Urdazuri River to the Salbatore Monastery for use in the ferrerials. In recent years, Iron Day has been the scene of this ancient journey.
Ttipi Ttapa 2019ko apirilaren 26a
Burdinaren bidez aspaldiko harremana izan dute Nafarroako eta Bizkaiko herri hauek.

Now, the mayors of Muskiz and Pobeña have wanted to deepen this relationship and have organised a conference of exchange with the young people of Urdax. It is an exchange aimed at young people between 18 and 20 years of age, based on the Basque Country and the Iron. Firstly, between 5 and 6 young people from Urdazubi/Urdax have proposed visiting Pobeña and then, on the occasion of Iron Day, the Biscayan people have visited Urdax. The City of Urdax encourages young people to participate in the exchange. The cost of exchange (accommodation, meals and transport, among others) shall be borne by Petronor.

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