The Government signs a decree to make urban planning regulations more flexible and promote the construction of housing
  • One of the main objectives of the decree approved by the Governing Council of the Basque Government is not to delay the promotion of new housing. In this sense, the councilor, Denis Itxaso, has assured that it will give more "autonomy" to the municipalities.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2025eko otsailaren 19a
Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Gobernu kontseiluaren osteko prentsaurrekoan eman dituzte dekretuaren inguruko xehetasunak. Irekia

The Government has signed the Decree on Urban Planning Standards and has thus adapted the urban planning regulations that had not been amended since 2012. Now, the urbanization plans of the municipalities of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa will be able to have greater flexibility, for example, in terms of the equipment that must be built obligatorily per house.

The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Denis Itxaso, explained after the meeting of the Governing Council on Tuesday that the decree "bets" on municipal autonomy, it will be up to them to decide what equipment and endowment or endowment they want in each neighborhood: "The sensitivity of the municipalities and the proximity to the reality of the neighbors are essential for the diagnosis of urban needs," said Itxaso.

The decree entails a series of measures, among which the green areas and public areas must have a minimum of 5 square meters of free space per inhabitant, and will also promote the availability of more spaces for bicycles instead of parking spaces or garages.

"What we're trying to do is make it easier to move the floor," said counselor Denis Itxaso

In addition, the new regulation will allow the construction of housing units (residences, housing for vulnerable groups, etc.) on publicly owned land. From now on it will be accepted as an endowment of "an urban garden" or "a park" in new promotions.

"What we're trying to do is make it easier to move the floor," the counselor said. In the same vein, the Government seeks to "clarify the uncertainties" that existed until now, thus avoiding possible delays in the promotion of new public housing parks.

The decree, Itxaso assures that it will contribute to the creation of "more modern cities", and with it, both public and private operators, will have more flexibility in the equipment that they must necessarily foresee when designing the urbanizations to facilitate the construction of new homes.

The housing crisis has worsened and become a major concern for many people in recent times, not because of the lack of new housing, but because of the lack of accessible access.