Bizkaia Water Consortium increases water price by 5%
  • At the meeting on Monday, the entity that bears most of the water management in Bizkaia decided to increase the water rate. The average annual increase of the invoice to the citizen will be almost EUR 10.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 10
Bizkaian ura kudeatzeko instalazioetako bat (argazkia: Bilbao Bizkaia Ur Partzuegoa)

The Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium will increase its bill by 5%, with an average of 2.4 euros more per quarter and 9.6 euros more per year. It has decided this at the General Assembly on Monday.

The consortium fee covers supply, sanitation and purification services and, according to the studies carried out, the current rate covers only 77% of the costs of these services. The consortium argues that in order to make new investments and "provide services on an equal footing" in all municipalities, such as Busturialdea, they have to make this increase, as EiTB has reported.

The 2023 budget was also approved at Monday’s meeting. The largest amount is expected to be spent: EUR 217, 8 million, 18.4 million more than last year.