Start transporting drinking water by boat to Bermeo
  • From Santurtzi the water is taken by boat and the quality of the water is guaranteed by the managers of the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium. This is an interim measure and the long-term solution is the construction of the water pipeline from the Zadorra de Mungia to Bermeo. The solar ecologist movement has questioned the consortium’s explanation of the video spread on social media.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko abuztuaren 19a
Bermeo. Argazkia: Roberto Latxaga, Flickr.

The Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium has begun to transport the waters from the port of Santurtzi to the port of Bermeo by boat to deal with the existing water shortage. Pedro Barreiro, manager of Ur Patzuergoko, explains that this is an extraordinary measure to respond to an exceptional situation. It adds that the Bizkaia reservoirs are 70% of their capacity, so the situation is normal and there is no shortage of water. However, in some coastal localities in Bizkaia the situation is different: “In these areas water is extracted from aquifers, streams and rivers, so the scarcity of rains and high temperatures have caused this year’s exceptional situation.” That is what Berria has taken up.

Faced with the concern of several citizens about water quality, Barreiro points out that there is no more control than this. The ship's warehouse has been cleaned four times and the health services have given all the necessary permits and approvals.

The consortium notes that water transportation by boat is the most cost-effective solution. The project has a budget of EUR 1.8 million and the consortium has announced that it will pay EUR 1.497,000 for not having to pay VAT. The boat will be operational until October. However, if necessary, there is a possibility of extending the time limit and interrupting the service if the problem is resolved earlier. Always with fixed costs.

In addition, the leaders of the consortium referred to the controversy of the video showing the exit of the water from the boat that was deployed on social networks. In the video, water was poured out from the boat's tubes to the sea, and some said it was an accident. Those responsible indicate that it was not an accident, but a test.

Disseminated on social networks:

The Basque environmental association Eguzki has criticised the project and calculated the cost per liter of water. Each litre of water will cost EUR 0.90 plus the cost of pumping and water. Therefore, they stress that it would be better to “give free water bonuses in stores”. According to the video, they claim that what appears in the video according to Bermeo’s PNV is the result of a small breakdown, but they point out that the effect is clear that this water that costs one or more euros per litre is being wasted.

In addition, the environmental association has called for all sampling to be reported in order to clarify doubts. He has also criticized the project to bring the water of the Zadorra from Mungia to Bermeo.

Provisional solution

Koldo Urkullu is Director of Asset Management and Exploitation of the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium. It indicates that the final solution to the problem is the construction of the “water pipe of the Zadorra from Mungia to Bermeo”. At the moment, the design of the work is in the process of being awarded and the consortium expects an investment of EUR 2 million. To build a seventeen kilometer pipeline and reach Bermeo, it will be necessary to drill Mount Sollube in several sections.