UPN resumes censorship of Pirritx and Porrotx
  • The Navarros regionalists have described it as an action that “favors the independence chiringuitos”.

Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 03a
Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimototsen ikuskizuna.

UPN de Villava rejected the show of the clowns Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots in the last plenary of the City Hall of the working capital. In spite of everything, the performance will continue and the Suduritas will offer on October 6 two shows in the House of Culture at 16:30 and at 18:30 hours, within the schedule of parties.

“We cannot hire clowns with public money with a track record marked by ETA’s case,” the party explained, as Diario de Noticias has gathered. “Among the clowns are those who do not condemn terrorism.” In the words of UPN, “it is a spectacle that fits within the framework of EH Bildu’s policy, which benefits similar groups and independent chiringuitos”.

The party defends actions in Basque aimed at boys and girls, “but not with the most vulnerable group in society that has used to transmit radical Abertzale propaganda”.

Not the first time

Not the first time UPN rejects these clowns in Navarra Suma

In November 2019 the City of Pamplona of UPN suspended the show Biziantza of the clowns Pirritx, Porrotx and Marimotots. He was in agreement with the previous municipal government since May but the UPN City Hall rejected the work on the grounds that “there was a missing role”.

In Estella, Navarra Suma vetoed clowns in January 2020. The performance was organized by the Garean association at the Estella Sports Club and two weeks before the show received no. Garean had been organizing the performance for ten years and the justification of the City Hall was that “sports training had priority”.

In April 2021, the Board of the Patronato de Cultura y Fiestas de Burlada prepared the performance of Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimototos along with local associations and collectives. Although the show was not suspended, Navarra Suma rejected the show in front of other parties or groups.