UPN and PSN withdraw child protection services to Pamplona neighbourhood associations
  • At the initiative of UPN and in support of the PSN, the City of Pamplona approved on Thursday afternoon the modification of the services for the care of families and children from eight districts of Pamplona. EH Bildu and Geroa Bai have opposed and denounced that the work of many years will be destroyed.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2020ko azaroaren 06a
Ehunka lagun bildu ziren ostegun arratsaldez, auzo elkarteei babesa eskaintzeko. (Arg.: X. Letona)

Until now, these services are being channeled by community prevention teams rooted in the neighborhood and from now on will be carried out directly by the City Hall through the Coworkids services, which have not yet been explained. According to the City Hall, this service no longer reaches all the neighborhoods of the city and with the new mold yes, and in addition, according to UPN, the City Hall will improve the service that had been provided so far.


These services mainly offer leisure services aimed at children and young people, with special attention to children with problems or difficulties in the neighborhoods: varied activities throughout the week, vacation camps or colonies, among others. As children grow up, many of them participate in the care and care of future generations as volunteers. And around the children, one way or another, there are always families. Thus, it is possible to build networks of relationships between children and young people of different ages, and often also with the elderly, favoring the rooting and vitality of the neighborhood. In essence, it has a lot to do with the community construction of the neighborhood, adding up to those on the margins.


These services are coordinated between the technical staff of the City Hall and the staff and volunteers of the neighborhood associations, deeply rooted and highly appreciated for their social function in the neighborhoods. Proof of this was the Plaza of the City Council of Pamplona on Thursday afternoon: while the City Hall met to discuss the issue, hundreds of people from the neighborhoods met to protest the intentions of UPN. The municipal technicians in charge of the case have also made public statements and have shown their disagreement with the Supreme Court ' s decision.

Photo: 10. Latvian