UPN and PSN are unable to censor Raimundo el Canaste in Tafalla
  • UPN has tabled a motion at the Tafalla plenary in which he asks the government team to suspend the contract he had with the musical group Raimundo el Canastea for a concert at parties. The request for censorship comes after the controversy that took place at the Estella festivities. The PSN has joined the petition, but they have not managed to get through and, as scheduled, the group will hit the 18th day.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2024ko abuztuaren 09a

UPN has tabled a motion in the plenary of the Municipality of Estella to request the suspension of a concert by the municipal group Raimundo el Canastea (Nafarroa). According to UPN's motion, the group "is the author of the death threats, insults and black-and-white statements against Estella's mayor, and we are clear that freedom of expression is not above anything," explained the right-wing spokesman.

The forces of the Tafalla Government, EH Bildu, Initiative for Tafalla, Arturo-Zurekin and Geroa Bai, have not supported the motion and have denounced that UPN's intention is "partisan", although they have shown their disagreement with the lyrics of the song. In Noticias de Navarra they have collected the words of Goizeder Juango, member of Initiative for Tafalla and the municipal government: "We really feel that this proposal has further widened the song, and we totally reject its content."

The eight votes of UPN and PSN have not been enough to push through the motion of censure and to stand up to the nine votes against the government team. Therefore, as scheduled at the local festivities, the friends of Raimundo el Canastero will offer a concert on August 18 in Plaza Navarra.

Estella controversy

UPN de Estella denounced the music group Raimundo el Canasta for the song 'Beff D' Alda that premiered in Estella. In the song, they criticize the City Hall of Estella for not allowing the txosnas and the rock La bota to settle in their usual places. It is a song full of humor, irony and criticism, directed to Mayor Marta Ruiz de Alda. The members of Raimundo the Canastero have affirmed that the tone of the song is "comical and ironic" and that "it is not a display of hatred, nor incites anyone to commit violent acts at parties". But they emphasized that "it reflects the feeling of anger and helplessness that exists in a large part of the young people of Estella, a holiday model that they have worked for so many years, because they have been buried with a blink".