Unesco proposes to include Venice in the list of endangered heritage sites
  • Unesco has pointed out that the measures taken by Italy to protect Venice “are not enough” and “must be increased”. Mass tourism, reform projects and climate change have been the main risks.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 01a
Veneziako Kanal Handia. Argazkia: Wolfgang Moroder CC BY-SA 3.0

UNESCO proposes that the city of Venice be put in danger and in danger. Mass tourism, reform projects and climate change have been the main dangers of the deterioration of buildings and the loss of the cultural and social identity of the city.

They acknowledge that Italy has improved tourism and ecosystem management, but that more needs to be done, inter alia, by further analysing the effects of climate change and cruise arrivals.

Tourism is another major problem in the city. According to the data, in Venice there are 21 tourists per inhabitant. The organization has pointed to the need to improve the quality of life of citizens, based on the urgent reduction in the number of tourists per inhabitant.

Citizen decline

Venice currently has less than 50,000 inhabitants: 125,000 citizens lost since 1950. “Tourism is for us a sword of the mouth, we gain life through it, but they take away homes and services from citizens,” explains Matteo Secchi, from URL 0.