Unai Hualde is once again the president of the Parliament of Navarre
  • This Friday the Parliament of Navarre was established and Unai Hualde de Geroa Bai was appointed president of the Bureau of Parliament with the votes of PSN, EH Bildu and Venena. In the last parliamentary term it has also been the President of Parliament.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko ekainaren 16a
Unai Hualde gaur, legebiltzarrean. (Argazkia: Nafarroako Legebiltzarra)

Emilio Jiménez de Vox is the oldest parliamentarian and has been in charge of provisionally running the Bureau of Parliament. After saying “good morning!” he followed the first Spanish explanations. After a minute of silence for the emigrants who died this week in the Mediterranean, we shall proceed to the vote. Unai Hualde won 30 votes and Iñaki Iriarte from UPN won 18, UPN and PP. The two of Vox abstain. He is the first person to repeat in that presidency.

In the second vote the two vice-presidents were elected and there were no surprises either: Ainhoa Unzu of the PSN will be the first president with the support of the PSN, Geroa Bai and Zurekin, and Juan Luis Sánchez de Muniain of UPN will be the second vice president with 18 votes from UPN and PP.

The quintet of the table consists of two secretaries, which will be Yolanda Ibáñez de UPN and Mikel Zabaleta de EH Bildu. Ibáñez voted on this occasion with the two votes of Vox. Thus, the extreme right wants to make a gesture to the will to collaborate with UPN and PP. Mikel Zabaleta has received the support of Geroa Bai and Zurekin as planned.

In today's sitting, parliamentarians swear office, with a religious touch, or promise, with a civil point of view. The UPN’s have sworn – Iñaki Iriarte in Euskera –, spoken PSN and With You of Navarra, as well as those of EH Bildu and Geroa Bai, but those of the two abertzal forces in Euskera and because they “force the laws”. Jiménez de Vox jura, but added by “Spain”, and Carlos Guzmán de Zurekin comments “without giving up the communist future”.

Hualde calls Chivite

In the next ten days Hualde will conduct a round of matches to see if anyone has enough support to convene an investiture session. Surely no one will have enough support and will have to leave the first investiture session after the Spanish general elections on 23 July. So yes, surely Maria Chivite will have the sustenances of Geroa Bai and Cold. And, as planned, if EH Bildu abstains, the SNP will succeed in repeating the government formula of the previous legislature. If three months had elapsed since the elections were held without being part of the Government, elections would be held again.

Within ten days of the constitution of Parliament, the President of Parliament shall consult the spokespersons appointed by the political parties or groups represented by Parliament and propose a candidate for the Foral Community. It shall convene a plenary session at least 3 days in advance.