Far-right wins elections in Austria for the first time since World War II
  • The FPÖ ultra-nationalist party has won 28.8% of the votes, which is 13% more than in 2019. The People’s Party (ÖVP) has obtained 26.3% of the votes and the Social Democrat SPÖ is placed as the third political force, with 21.1% of the votes. The major parties have refused to support the far-right to govern, and the experts believe that they will seek to form a coalition without the FPÖ as a political party.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko irailaren 30

This is the first time that the far-right has won parliamentary elections in Austria since the Second World War. According to EiTB, FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl said “voters have spoken” and that this result shows that the country wants a change of direction.

The ultra-right party has launched anti-immigration messages during the campaign and has criticised the measures taken by the Conservative and Environmentalist Government to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

The People’s Party (ÖVP) has lost eleven points of the 2019 elections and thus becomes the second force of the elections. Thirdly, the SPÖ, the Social Democratic Party most voted in the Endesa League, has remained. The fourth force was the Liberal Party Neos, with 8.8% of the votes, and the Greens remain in fifth place, with 8.7% of the votes. These last two parties will have parliamentary representation. They have both ruled together with the People’s Party.

The final results are not yet known. It does not seem, however, that the far-right is going to govern, and the coalition between conservatives and Social Democrats has every chance of doing so. The ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos parties would form a tripartite government and obtain a fair majority.