A high office of the Alliance proposes ceding territories to Russia for Ukraine to join NATO
  • Stian Jenssen, head of cabinet of the NATO Secretary-General, made statements at a forum in Norway each year. Days later, he acknowledges that his concertation has been a “mistake.”
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Stian Jenssen, Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Military Alliance, proposes that Ukraine donate territories to Russia to join NATO. He spoke with different NGOs, politicians and trade unions at an annual forum in Arendal, Norway, after asking about Ukraine, Russia and NATO.

These words have given rise to various reactions, including the Government of Ukraine, which has described the granting of territories to Russia as “unacceptable”. NATO also clarifies in a note that it has a "itself" attitude since the beginning of the conflict. Stian regresses later: “I accept the mistake, I didn’t have to talk like that.”

Boredom with help

Some countries have shown themselves tired of sending military and economic aid to Ukraine. Hungary describes the war in Ukraine as a "cash flow". On the other hand, many citizens are opposed to sending arms to Ukraine in Europe, as in Berlin, where tens of thousands of people met in February.