There are not many radios that are broadcast solely in Basque. And less those who are free. Most are local or local, which have no capacity to extend the frequency to the whole of the Basque Country. But there is one that has been among the Basques for thirteen years, and that, unfortunately or fortunately, will end its emissions this Saturday: Radio Info7. Since 2006, the Aztibegia association and the Gara newspaper have been the main supporters of the project. They haven't been the only ones. “All the collaborators, workers and people who have participated in these years have been needed,” said Info7 members in announcing the end of the radio.
In all these years he has been responsible for promoting Basque radio. The journalist of Info7 and president of the Aztibegia association, Eider Olazar, pointed out that the main objective is “diversity”: “To have a national vision at the level of Euskal Herria and at the same time to get a license to work with total legality”. The radio that would meet both objectives would meet the needs of the communication media of Basque citizenship. The Info7 has done so very easily.
In 2006, the creation of a radio project in Euskal Herria began, which would have the legality to broadcast by FM. Year after year they have been obtaining licenses and in recent years it has been possible to hear much of Euskal Herria: Throughout the CAPV and in the north of Navarre. Olazar highlighted the difficulties that existed and exist in broadcasting on the radio dial – in FM –: “There is a very undemocratic and unbalanced situation”. The main media dominate the dial, and many other projects are not licensed to work in full legality.
A leap to a new project
Although Info7’s activity ends here, they have anticipated that with the new year they will bring something new. Olazar explained that this is a project with the participation of more people, and that it will also be broadcast in Basque. The project will be “progressive”. The first actions will be in January, although it is expected that by spring it will be "more complete". Before its creation, it will be heard throughout the CAV, as well as in some places in the north and east of Navarre. It will also try to gather an overview of the Basque Country, with all licences and permits in order.
Final tour
The cessation of emissions was announced at a public meeting on 15 October and a public hearing was held in November announcing the cessation. A very special programme has been carried out over the last two weeks.
They have met people who have gone through the radio, they have regained those audios and they are holding talks full of nostalgia. Bring the protagonists together and remember sweet moments. Among them, they recalled the one who performed the live performance of the popular walls, and the follow-up of the bertsolaris championships – were the first to broadcast live the bertsos of the radio. In total, Info7 has counted around 400 contributors. They have also had the collaboration of peoples to people in order to give the local signal. “Many people who have worked Musutruk,” says Olazar. It will also be time to thank them. On the other hand, they have opened a special website explaining the details of the closing tour of the festival.
The first special concert this year took place in Itziar, with Joxe Landa as a guest. From the birth of the Info7 until today, from Monday to Friday, it gave the weather forecast, voluntarily. They appreciated and appreciated their performance. They were also in Bergara talking about case 18/98, yesterday they will meet with the parents of Altsasu, today with members of the feminist movement of the Comarca of Pamplona and with Mayor Joseba Asiron, and on Friday in Baiona with Anaiz Funosas and Mixel Calefhoirigoin.
Last dance
Info7 will close its doors this Saturday, October 15, with a radio program to be broadcast until noon. The programme will be broadcast between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will end in a festive atmosphere, in the Labortana town of Urruña. All those who were part of the project, especially the 2,000 partners, have been invited. “Without them it would not be possible; they have been an economic support,” says Olazar. At one in the afternoon, the final sending of the waves will be interrupted and then there will be a meal. After lunch, it will be the concert of the musical group La Jodedera, to whom they will thank for their 10th anniversary song.