Need for a political vision of the reproductive markets
Nerea Fillat El Salto-Hordago @HORDAGO_ElSalto 2021eko azaroaren 15

Several days in October, I had the opportunity to discuss with Sara Lafuente the breeding markets in Pamplona and Bilbao. In these quotes we have had the opportunity to approach many of the questions and situations that hide behind the desire to be a mother.

Today, it is difficult to make a decision about motherhood. The great precariousness, the weak welfare state, palpable individuality, the lack of community, the crisis of care, the need for a professional career... all of this makes it difficult for women to make a decision about motherhood. In Spain, according to the INE, 70% of women who want to be mothers want to have two children, but only 30% have them, while 50% of women between 45 and 49 years who do not have children want to have children. The precariousness, the weak welfare state, the evident individuality, the lack of community, the crisis of care, the professional career... makes it difficult for us to make a decision about motherhood”

"The individual crisis responds individually; in many cases, establishing power relations with other women"

In the last decade, the crisis of motherhood has been deepening and since feminism no collective work has been done about it. Meanwhile, private assisted reproduction clinics have found a unique opportunity to make this crisis profitable and, at the same time, deepen the techniques of market expansion.

Thus, at this moment we are in a process of deepening a model built from inequality, and instead of trying to change the underlying general situation, we respond individually to the individual crisis, in many cases establishing power relations with other women. The only option to get out of this difficult situation is to challenge all the historical moment that we live, because the solution of the reproductive market will not help us. Therefore, among the possible ways to make a more emancipating motherhood model a reality, I would highlight: working against precariousness, inventing new care communities and proposing changes in the housing model.