Dismissing the fall to embrace the winter
  • December has the brown color of the leaves: from the leaves that have remained on the ground, under the naked walnut. The walnut is over its cycle. It will rest: strengthening the stems, feeding itself, aims to nourish. Looking inwards, it's time to form the bowels, after the effort and work he's done so far, the cycle is over, he's very tired. She's not afraid, she trusts, because nature is like this, it starts and ends, she'll be ready for spring, again, to blossom strong and full of energy and start a new cycle.
Amaia Diaz de Monasterioguren Osinaga 2024ko azaroaren 25

Winter is also the time to develop life and creativity, allowing us to recreate ourselves physically and emotionally. As we have less energy, it is advisable to invite to enjoy the company and the sweetness of the house digu.Etxekoekin and recover round tables and tertulias with friends. Decorate the tables, perfume the place with essential oils (citrus, rosemary, cinnamon), prepare and share seasonal and celebration dishes, promote dialogue and peaceful and healthy moments...

Take care of the kidneys, strengthen the skeleton and soothe fears. To do this, we have tools for feeding and winter care. For bone care, it is essential to adopt healthy habits in winter and cold. Move the body, work the force, stretch. In nature and in daylight, at hours of sun. To take vitamin D, try to sunbathe for a few minutes a day, longer than in summer in winter.

The vegetables we have in late fall and early winter help the kidney and skeleton. Let's look at what they are.

For the first plate we will make the dishes with spoon, soups and legumes fashionable. They're hot and innovative. It is important to include in our food plans water, vegetable broths, soups, vegetable creams and infusions. We water our body, we are the most important floor of the house.

Cabbages and Cabbages

They are plant sources of calcium, along with nuts and legumes. We can also get magnesium from the green leaves. In addition to sulphurous compounds, they have high concentrations of essential nutrients. In winter, when there was no fruit, they were an important source of vitamin C, if they were eaten raw or lightly cooked. In addition, they provide group B vitamins, vitamin A (beta-carotene), folic acid, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium and flavonoids in
doses significativas.Las leaves of foxes help heal wounds. In diseases and ulcerations of the stomach, juice is taken. In intestinal problems it is laxative and regulatory. He's a bone friend to prevent osteoporosis. They affect the prevention of certain cancers.

Note: Cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage...) prevent the absorption of iodine by the thyroid. However, this iodine sequestration action disappears when the food is cooked or fermented.
Many of these cabbages can be cooked and added to the creams, with potatoes and carrots. Others are prepared mixed with legumes. Taste and try the varieties that can be eaten cooked (broccoli, col, lombarda, romesco…) are excellent in steam, rosita, papillot or short sautéed with garlic and nuts.

The application of fermented cabbage or sauerkraut on the plate can be a way to increase the beneficial bacteria that promote the growth of probiotics in our diet and act as the first line of defense against toxins and pathogens.


Beans have many nutritional characteristics, they are a good source of health benefits ugarirekin.Proteina. Therefore, I consider it as a second dish and it is recommended to eat legumes at least three times a week. It is important to make a menu with bread, rice, potatoes and vegetables. They have a lot of fiber, if we don't chew it well, they can cause problems with digestion and winds. I recommend eating slowly and moderately.

They have iron and zinc, which increase the defenses and strengthen the immune system.
There are many ways to prepare vegetables: in the saucepan, in the salad, in the salsa, in the hamburger, in the pastries... They also help those who have anemia and nekaldian.Tentsio high, due to their low sodium content and high potassium content. And constipation for problems, because they have fiber.


For its features and benefits, it is worth enjoying chestnut throughout its season. Its complex carbohydrate content makes it very satiable and feeds the microbiota. A handful of chestnuts is a healthy snack within hours. Do not forget to chew well and eat slowly. Nutritionally, they're like legumes and cereals.

The most common thing is to eat roasted chestnuts, but they can also be cooked and can be used raw in many recipes, such as puree or sweet “marron glace”.

They are an important food for children, pregnant women, in a state of weakness, tired and sportsmen.

Good end of year. I'll come back with the new year.