The comparisons of Bilbao denounce the "aggressive and violent attitude" of the Municipal Police with street vendors
  • In view of the "excesses" of the Municipal Police in recent days, the Federation of Comparsas of Bilbao has shown its solidarity with the group of mantars.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko abuztuaren 21
Abuztuaren 20an egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: Bilboko Konpartsak

"Bilboko Konpartsak has pointed out that manteres are also and are being citizens, and that they are working, therefore, must receive the same rights and the same respect from others." This is the message from the concentration that the Bilbao Federation of Comparsas held on 20 August last. Dozens of people have concentrated on denouncing the abuses of the Municipal Police in recent days and showing their solidarity with the mantars. They condemn the "aggressive and brutal" character of the Municipal Police, making it clear that this is an attitude "supported by a political decision".

Festive space, "space of expression"

They also wanted to denounce Konpartsak's decision to "silence" the messages disseminated by the platform. "On the basis of Mantero's banners, numerous banners have been removed in which he read in Euskera, in support of Palestine and against the attacks, and we cannot allow ourselves to be silent. The festive space has always been a space of free expression and demand and we will defend it".