Each of these weapons costs EUR 3,500, and they carry the camera inserted into the corps of Foral Police officers. They were acquired last summer, but last week they were received by some thirty municipal policemen in Saestao to be able to use the training course in Arkaute. Therefore, the two patrols will carry a pistol and from January, three Taser guns are expected to be purchased, although all three will be withdrawn.
"Those guns also kill."
Mikel Izquierdo, spokesman for EH Bildu, spoke very critically about the City Hall’s decision on Tele7: "The Taser gun also kills, it's dangerous. In what situation will it be used? Will they be the agents in charge of scrapping people's bottles or agglomerations? ".Complaint that the City Hall has not provided information. He has insisted that these pistols are not the priority and has set as an example that hospitality aid for the pandemic has not yet been distributed.
"Which police model is driving? It's a pity that you're the first to do this. Why not be the first to empathize with neighbors? ", added Izquierdo.
Critiqued guns
The Ertzaintza and the National Police have also acquired electric pistols in recent years. These pistols, called "electronic control devices", release electrodes attached to the cable gun, so that upon reaching the body an electric shock occurs that "makes the nerve signals transmitted to the muscular and sensory system of the person to achieve incapacitation".
Many institutions have been very critical of these pistols. In June of this year, the Spanish Ombudsman considered that the use of these devices generates pain and suffering, and that in certain circumstances it is possible to speak of "torture or ill-treatment". Ararteko considers that "the use of these weapons should be strictly regulated and should be used exclusively by agents who have received the appropriate capacity, since they may abuse them".
According to a report published by Amnesty International, between 2001 and 2012, the police killed at least 500 people with this weapon in the United States. The murder of the former player of the Real Sociedad Delian Atkinson, who was known in the Basque Country: Taser was killed by the English Police in August 2016, with a gun loaded with explosives.
The Mossos d'Esquadra also use these pistols. This same week, this case has spread on social networks:
Sabadell. A girl wanted to enter her mother's psychiatrist accompaniment this morning and they didn't leave her at that time by protocol Covid-19. They called the Mossos to throw it out. They acted HALA. Repetitive Taser downloads. Temerity da. Hori egin behar da. pic.twitter.com/OHRa7rDSca
— No State or currency (@Reflex_volucion) November 26, 2020