The Council calls for all Local Police officers to know Basque in response to the TSJPV ruling
  • In 2021, a unified work bag was created for CAV Local Police Auxiliaries. The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) has dismissed the required linguistic profile, level B2, in Basque. He has argued that the linguistic profile is "disproportionate" and that the Basque "is not enough". The Council has pointed out that all CAV Local Police officers should know Basque in order to defend citizens’ rights.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko irailaren 06a

The theme starts in 2021. In Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, a unified work bag was set up for the auxiliary Local Police staff, who would eventually serve. The linguistic profile B2 was established. The UGT trade union filed an appeal with the Administrative Tribunal of Álava, which unanimously rejected it. According to the Tribunal, this call discriminated against workers who had not attended B2 level of Compulsory Secondary Education (B2). Arkaute appealed against the judgment of the Administrative Hearing of Álava, which was appealed by the Hearing.

Now, in September 2024, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) has rejected the language profile set in 2021.

The ruling considers it "disproportionate" to demand the knowledge of the Basque Country from all the candidates on the job market. It says that the right to relate in Basque to the public administration must be guaranteed, and that this does not require all the local police officers to know Basque. It says that it is enough for one of each couple and other agents to know. The Council underlines that, as a result of this judgment, it will not be necessary to know Basque for any job.

For the Council, it is very serious, “especially given the obvious inability to replace posts with an Euskera profile”. And he added that he is referring to a public service that caters to citizens when they are in a situation of vulnerability.

The Council recalled that “the Tribunal uses as an argument the new jurisprudence that has been developed through the judicial offensive against the process of normalization of the Basque Country, the ruling in which the municipal police of Irun is located in 2021”. Irun's ruling ruled that not all local police officers had to know Euskera, and annulled the established linguistic profile.