Transformative municipal and urban building: Conference to award Basque Country sovereign initiatives in Hernani
  • The popular project Hernani Burujab, the City Hall of Hernani and Udalbiltza have organized a three-day conference between 19 and 21 October, focused on the theme of emancipation, with the objective of working citizenship and the municipality from a transformative perspective. There will be conferences and round tables on different expectations.
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Hernaniko Udaleko, Udalbiltzako eta Burujabetzen Aldeko Elkarteko ordezkariak asteazkeneko agerraldian, Hernanin. Argazkia: Hernani Burujabe.

People working in the field of transformation have a date in Hernani in October. This Wednesday, the conference was held to share transformative experiences of Sovereignty, Municipality and Citizenship. It is organized by the Hernani City Hall, the Hernani Burujab Municipal Project and Udalbiltza.

The presentation included: Xabier Lertxundi and Itsaso Lekuona, mayor and councillor of Hernani, respectively; Haritz Alberdi, newly appointed president of Udalbiltza and Clara Rouget, director of that entity; and Aines del Valle and Ander Larretxea, members of the Pro-Sovereign Association.

Under the umbrella of the heads

For the last two years, the Hernani Burujab and Lertxundi project have been launched in Hernani, and consider that "the proposal we make can be suitable for other peoples". In this sense, he considers collaboration with Udalbiltza "indispensable".

On the other hand, Alberdi has underlined the importance of Udalbiltza, as he considers that it is a "perfect tool" to project out of it the transformative initiatives being carried out in the municipalities: "A day of this kind allows us to know different experiences and reward all the work we are doing," he said.

In addition to Hernani, many other places are working from this transformative perspective and "under the umbrella of sovereignty". All these experiences have been accumulating and now the challenge is to articulate them in a "systemic" way, explain from the organization

Haritz Alberdi (Udalbiltza)
Haritz Alberdi (Udalbiltza)

Round tables and experiences

The conference, which will take place from 19 to 21 October in Hernani, has organized various conferences and events. Thus, the participants will be able to learn about the experiences of the Basque Country and outside the Basque Country.

For example, at the open round table on emancipation on 19 October, Mireia Vehí, a former CUP member, and Glenna Del Valle Cabello, Venezuela’s principal consul in Bilbao, will speak alongside Jule Goikoetxea, political philosopher and professor at the UPV.

In addition, on 20 October, representatives of the various actors working in the fields of food, care, education and work will hold a colloquium to share their experiences.

The last day will be Sovereignty Day. In the first place there will be a "cultural kalejira", followed by a meal eased by those enrolled.

All information can be found on the web